Colorado, Listings, Realtors, Pagosa Springs, Durango, Bayfield, Ignacio, Vallecito, Arboles, Wolf Creek, South Fork, and More!
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pagosa springs colorado
A South West Colorado Gem Nestled in the San Juan Mountains
You can search the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for Pagosa Springs, Colorado real estate listings right here on our website!
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Let us know when you spot something you like. We’d love the opportunity to meet you!
Come see Pagosa Springs, Colorado with us, and experience Legendary Service with Pagosa Brokers Real Estate.
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meet our team

Briana Jacobson
Managing Broker
I am a native of Pagosa Springs, and have worked in Real Estate for over 30 years! more…

Norma Garrett
Associate Broker
I delight in seeing the smiles my work puts on people’s faces. I live in the most beautiful part of the world. Come explore with me and expand your horizon’s! more…

Kelly Keegan
Associate Broker
Pagosa Springs, CO is a beautiful mountain town with so many things to offer, come and experience the joy of living a simpler life….read more...