Chances are good if you are looking for real estate in Pagsosa Springs, Colorado, that fresh mountain air is on your list of reasons why a move would be good. Some of you who are living in bigger cities would find a welcome change from the urban smog.
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People consider air quality and pollution as it relates to the outdoors quite a bit, but what about indoor air quality? There are things we can do to make the air we breathe indoors cleaner, while possibly reaping healthy benefits along the way.
We found an article at Curbed, that takes into consideration the positive and negatives of the air we breathe. Indoors and out.

Looking at the Piedra River, near Pagosa Springs, Colorado
If you take a look at the article you might even be more grateful for the clean mountain air Pagosa Springs living provides. This article is penned by a woman who resides in L.A., and notes its brown clouded skies. Though over the last three weeks, Los Angeles is experiencing the cleanest air in decades.
Spending more time inside, due to the current world health crisis, she’s come up with a number of ways to improve the air her family is breathing indoors.
According to the article, keeping surfaces clean, using the vent hood when cooking, avoiding cleaning products with VOCs, and using high grade filtration for HVAC systems are all great methods to cleaner indoor air.
Check out the article from Curbed here.
Our Brokerage firm has friendly knowledgeable agents, and Southwest Colorado realty experience spanning decades. In Pagosa Springs, Colorado, count on Pagosa Brokers Real Estate. We’d be happy to help guide you through the stages of home buying and selling!
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